Thursday, July 14, 2011

Where do we go from here?

We have in our country a national security and intelligence infrastructure that rivals, and probably surpasses, the Soviet Union in it's sophistication and penetration.  Are we not citizens of a democratic state?  Apparently not.  There is cause for secrecy in matters of national security, but when a secret begins to permeate society for the benefit of a few, that burden begins to poison the appendage that holds it.  Thus if we are to remain a free, viable, and vibrant society the lessons learned from the last century's tyrannical regimes must be reinforced during this century.  Be assured that the there lies a world hidden from our eyes, that owes no allegiance to the citizenry of this country or any others, but operates largely for its own gain.  It starts at the base need for national security, but ends nowhere..  as there is no need if there's nobody there to work against you.

Top Secret America

Deeper still..

Monday, July 4, 2011

So it's the 4th of July and fireworks are banned here in Texas..

This sucks.  Fires continue to ravage the state of Texas due to a prolonged drought and near-extreme heat all day every day, for a little over a month now, and what used to be my favorite time of year could be ruined due to a lack of fire in the sky.  So I should take this opportunity to remind you all to look up; cause these American skies contain more than just fireworks on the 4th of July.

SkunkWorks engineer gives us a lil taste

National Press Club UFO Disclosure

Disclosure Project Testimonials

There's too many reputable sources here to deny, the existence, of the stuff of fairytales.  Enjoy the twist.  Quite a twist of scenarios at that ;-)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

I'd like to take time for this commercial break..

Remember, back in the 1940's and 50's lol, when television was hailed as primarily a tool for the 'education' of the public?  Well in those days, the newspapers and the schools took care of informing and educating the public about the major issues concerning their country.  After the War, and American prosperity skyrocketed, being the only superpower left who did not carry a hammer and sickle, American corporations relied heavily on the wildly popular television sets that were taking over radio as the primary medium through which to touch an impressionable audience.  Children more than ever were being targeted by the corporate genies, and housewives primarily, as novelty and convenience were pushed through American minds like a river through hydroelectric damns.  Well I've got a couple of links here that I'd like to share with you that gives you a little more background than maybe you were able to pick up watching re-runs of Popeye and Tom and Jerry cartoons.

The Century of the Self

This first youtube link documents the rise of the advertising firms ability to manipulate large pools of 'human resources' towards their ends using less than visible means.

Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent

This second documentary derives its vein of thought from the popular Noam Chomsky book Manufacturing Consent that follows the uneven, and tightly controlled, market of stories and ideas that our mainstream corporate media outlets take up and disseminate.  It is a fascinating weighting of current events that provides more than enough evidence towards the thesis that our American media heavily relies on the 'go-ahead' from higher-ups in the corporate/military/intelligence syndicates.

Operation Mockingbird Wiki

Finally I have here a wikipedia article discussing a coordinated attempt by the CIA to 'keep tabs' on our major journalists and news outlets, so as to ensure they shine a 'favorable light' upon all military and intelligence operations on domestic and foreign soil.  All that you have to do is watch the major news channels and witness the blatant self-censoring and misdirection taking place from behind, and sometimes in front, of the television news camera.  Once you've gotten a handle on this stuff, it becomes ever more obvious the more you watch, because the more you watch, and compare with some of the news stories running from other, online, news sources (Aljazeera, Alternet, BlacklistedNews, are some of the sites I frequent) you see there seems to be a problem with the information being broadcast due to a severe lack of depth in coverage, and obvious use of slight-of-hand misdirection.  My problem is not the substandard quality of information that we're getting, cause I can find better, but that it's deliberate.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Background Radiation

So where might one begin their search for the source of say finance and centralized direction?  Well we first see consolidation of corporate, industrial, and military power around the middle and late 19th centuries. First under the Rothschild banking brothers cartel in Europe, the 'power of the purse-strings' fall under their command as the brothers Rothschild set up central banks in London, England, Vienna, Austria, Naples, Italy, and Paris, France.  Their 'subsidiaries' and brother's in finance the Rockefeller dynasty and the Morgan's here in America do their part in instituting an American central bank, now called the Federal Reserve, forged under an agreement in secrecy (known as the Aldrich Plan), and passed over Christmas Holidays (Dec. 22 & 23) 1913.

Federal Reserve wiki

Rothschild Banking family part 1
Rothschild Banking family part 2

Now the consolidation of banking only began (as far as I know) the move toward the highly centralized apparatus of power that now currently exists throughout the western world and all of their subsidiaries.  Here now is an interview from ex-'financial hitman' John Perkins in which he describes the secretive, black-world operations conducted from some of the most visible and organized centers of finance on the planet.

John Perkins gives testimony part 1
John Perkins's testimony part 2